Emergent Mind

DeepMerge: Learning to Merge Programs

Published May 17, 2021 in cs.SE


In collaborative software development, program merging is the mechanism to integrate changes from multiple programmers. Merge algorithms in modern version control systems report a conflict when changes interfere textually. Merge conflicts require manual intervention and frequently stall modern continuous integration pipelines. Prior work found that, although costly, a large majority of resolutions involve re-arranging text without writing any new code. Inspired by this observation we propose the first data-driven approach to resolve merge conflicts with a machine learning model. We realize our approach in a tool DeepMerge that uses a novel combination of (i) an edit-aware embedding of merge inputs and (ii) a variation of pointer networks, to construct resolutions from input segments. We also propose an algorithm to localize manual resolutions in a resolved file and employ it to curate a ground-truth dataset comprising 8,719 non-trivial resolutions in JavaScript programs. Our evaluation shows that, on a held out test set, DeepMerge can predict correct resolutions for 37% of non-trivial merges, compared to only 4% by a state-of-the-art semistructured merge technique. Furthermore, on the subset of merges with upto 3 lines (comprising 24% of the total dataset), DeepMerge can predict correct resolutions with 78% accuracy.

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