Emergent Mind

Learning to Generate Novel Scene Compositions from Single Images and Videos

Published May 12, 2021 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Training GANs in low-data regimes remains a challenge, as overfitting often leads to memorization or training divergence. In this work, we introduce One-Shot GAN that can learn to generate samples from a training set as little as one image or one video. We propose a two-branch discriminator, with content and layout branches designed to judge the internal content separately from the scene layout realism. This allows synthesis of visually plausible, novel compositions of a scene, with varying content and layout, while preserving the context of the original sample. Compared to previous single-image GAN models, One-Shot GAN achieves higher diversity and quality of synthesis. It is also not restricted to the single image setting, successfully learning in the introduced setting of a single video.

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