Emergent Mind

Directional GAN: A Novel Conditioning Strategy for Generative Networks

Published May 12, 2021 in cs.CV and cs.NE


Image content is a predominant factor in marketing campaigns, websites and banners. Today, marketers and designers spend considerable time and money in generating such professional quality content. We take a step towards simplifying this process using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We propose a simple and novel conditioning strategy which allows generation of images conditioned on given semantic attributes using a generator trained for an unconditional image generation task. Our approach is based on modifying latent vectors, using directional vectors of relevant semantic attributes in latent space. Our method is designed to work with both discrete (binary and multi-class) and continuous image attributes. We show the applicability of our proposed approach, named Directional GAN, on multiple public datasets, with an average accuracy of 86.4% across different attributes.

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