Emergent Mind

Automated Decision-based Adversarial Attacks

Published May 9, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.CR


Deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which can fool a target classifier by imposing imperceptible perturbations onto natural examples. In this work, we consider the practical and challenging decision-based black-box adversarial setting, where the attacker can only acquire the final classification labels by querying the target model without access to the model's details. Under this setting, existing works often rely on heuristics and exhibit unsatisfactory performance. To better understand the rationality of these heuristics and the limitations of existing methods, we propose to automatically discover decision-based adversarial attack algorithms. In our approach, we construct a search space using basic mathematical operations as building blocks and develop a random search algorithm to efficiently explore this space by incorporating several pruning techniques and intuitive priors inspired by program synthesis works. Although we use a small and fast model to efficiently evaluate attack algorithms during the search, extensive experiments demonstrate that the discovered algorithms are simple yet query-efficient when transferred to larger normal and defensive models on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. They achieve comparable or better performance than the state-of-the-art decision-based attack methods consistently.

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