Emergent Mind


Multi-Task Learning has emerged as a methodology in which multiple tasks are jointly learned by a shared learning algorithm, such as a DNN. MTL is based on the assumption that the tasks under consideration are related; therefore it exploits shared knowledge for improving performance on each individual task. Tasks are generally considered to be homogeneous, i.e., to refer to the same type of problem. Moreover, MTL is usually based on ground truth annotations with full, or partial overlap across tasks. In this work, we deal with heterogeneous MTL, simultaneously addressing detection, classification & regression problems. We explore task-relatedness as a means for co-training, in a weakly-supervised way, tasks that contain little, or even non-overlapping annotations. Task-relatedness is introduced in MTL, either explicitly through prior expert knowledge, or through data-driven studies. We propose a novel distribution matching approach, in which knowledge exchange is enabled between tasks, via matching of their predictions' distributions. Based on this approach, we build FaceBehaviorNet, the first framework for large-scale face analysis, by jointly learning all facial behavior tasks. We develop case studies for: i) continuous affect estimation, action unit detection, basic emotion recognition; ii) attribute detection, face identification. We illustrate that co-training via task relatedness alleviates negative transfer. Since FaceBehaviorNet learns features that encapsulate all aspects of facial behavior, we conduct zero-/few-shot learning to perform tasks beyond the ones that it has been trained for, such as compound emotion recognition. By conducting a very large experimental study, utilizing 10 databases, we illustrate that our approach outperforms, by large margins, the state-of-the-art in all tasks and in all databases, even in these which have not been used in its training.

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