Emergent Mind

Long Short-Term Temporal Meta-learning in Online Recommendation

Published May 8, 2021 in cs.IR


An effective online recommendation system should jointly capture users' long-term and short-term preferences in both users' internal behaviors (from the target recommendation task) and external behaviors (from other tasks). However, it is extremely challenging to conduct fast adaptations to real-time new trends while making full use of all historical behaviors in large-scale systems, due to the real-world limitations in real-time training efficiency and external behavior acquisition. To address these practical challenges, we propose a novel Long Short-Term Temporal Meta-learning framework (LSTTM) for online recommendation. It arranges user multi-source behaviors in a global long-term graph and an internal short-term graph, and conducts different GAT-based aggregators and training strategies to learn user short-term and long-term preferences separately. To timely capture users' real-time interests, we propose a temporal meta-learning method based on MAML under an asynchronous optimization strategy for fast adaptation, which regards recommendations at different time periods as different tasks. In experiments, LSTTM achieves significant improvements on both offline and online evaluations. It has been deployed on a widely-used online recommendation system named WeChat Top Stories, affecting millions of users.

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