Emergent Mind

Reward prediction for representation learning and reward shaping

Published May 7, 2021 in cs.LG and stat.ML


One of the fundamental challenges in reinforcement learning (RL) is the one of data efficiency: modern algorithms require a very large number of training samples, especially compared to humans, for solving environments with high-dimensional observations. The severity of this problem is increased when the reward signal is sparse. In this work, we propose learning a state representation in a self-supervised manner for reward prediction. The reward predictor learns to estimate either a raw or a smoothed version of the true reward signal in environment with a single, terminating, goal state. We augment the training of out-of-the-box RL agents by shaping the reward using our reward predictor during policy learning. Using our representation for preprocessing high-dimensional observations, as well as using the predictor for reward shaping, is shown to significantly enhance Actor Critic using Kronecker-factored Trust Region and Proximal Policy Optimization in single-goal environments with visual inputs.

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