Emergent Mind

Understanding Catastrophic Overfitting in Adversarial Training

Published May 6, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.CV


Recently, FGSM adversarial training is found to be able to train a robust model which is comparable to the one trained by PGD but an order of magnitude faster. However, there is a failure mode called catastrophic overfitting (CO) that the classifier loses its robustness suddenly during the training and hardly recovers by itself. In this paper, we find CO is not only limited to FGSM, but also happens in $\mbox{DF}{\infty}$-1 adversarial training. Then, we analyze the geometric properties for both FGSM and $\mbox{DF}{\infty}$-1 and find they have totally different decision boundaries after CO. For FGSM, a new decision boundary is generated along the direction of perturbation and makes the small perturbation more effective than the large one. While for $\mbox{DF}{\infty}$-1, there is no new decision boundary generated along the direction of perturbation, instead the perturbation generated by $\mbox{DF}{\infty}$-1 becomes smaller after CO and thus loses its effectiveness. We also experimentally analyze three hypotheses on potential factors causing CO. And then based on the empirical analysis, we modify the RS-FGSM by not projecting perturbation back to the $l_\infty$ ball. By this small modification, we could achieve $47.56 \pm 0.37\% $ PGD-50-10 accuracy on CIFAR10 with $\epsilon=8/255$ in contrast to $43.57 \pm 0.30\% $ by RS-FGSM and also further extend the working range of $\epsilon$ from 8/255 to 11/255 on CIFAR10 without CO occurring.

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