Emergent Mind


Measuring lesion size is an important step to assess tumor growth and monitor disease progression and therapy response in oncology image analysis. Although it is tedious and highly time-consuming, radiologists have to work on this task by using RECIST criteria (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors) routinely and manually. Even though lesion segmentation may be the more accurate and clinically more valuable means, physicians can not manually segment lesions as now since much more heavy laboring will be required. In this paper, we present a prior-guided dual-path network (PDNet) to segment common types of lesions throughout the whole body and predict their RECIST diameters accurately and automatically. Similar to [1], a click guidance from radiologists is the only requirement. There are two key characteristics in PDNet: 1) Learning lesion-specific attention matrices in parallel from the click prior information by the proposed prior encoder, named click-driven attention; 2) Aggregating the extracted multi-scale features comprehensively by introducing top-down and bottom-up connections in the proposed decoder, named dual-path connection. Experiments show the superiority of our proposed PDNet in lesion segmentation and RECIST diameter prediction using the DeepLesion dataset and an external test set. PDNet learns comprehensive and representative deep image features for our tasks and produces more accurate results on both lesion segmentation and RECIST diameter prediction.

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