Emergent Mind

Real-time Face Mask Detection in Video Data

Published May 5, 2021 in cs.CV , cs.LG , and eess.IV


In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we present a robust deep learning pipeline that is capable of identifying correct and incorrect mask-wearing from real-time video streams. To accomplish this goal, we devised two separate approaches and evaluated their performance and run-time efficiency. The first approach leverages a pre-trained face detector in combination with a mask-wearing image classifier trained on a large-scale synthetic dataset. The second approach utilizes a state-of-the-art object detection network to perform localization and classification of faces in one shot, fine-tuned on a small set of labeled real-world images. The first pipeline achieved a test accuracy of 99.97% on the synthetic dataset and maintained 6 FPS running on video data. The second pipeline achieved a mAP(0.5) of 89% on real-world images while sustaining 52 FPS on video data. We have concluded that if a larger dataset with bounding-box labels can be curated, this task is best suited using object detection architectures such as YOLO and SSD due to their superior inference speed and satisfactory performance on key evaluation metrics.

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