Emergent Mind

Optimal Maximal Leakage-Distortion Tradeoff

Published May 3, 2021 in cs.IT and math.IT


Most methods for publishing data with privacy guarantees introduce randomness into datasets which reduces the utility of the published data. In this paper, we study the privacy-utility tradeoff by taking maximal leakage as the privacy measure and the expected Hamming distortion as the utility measure. We study three different but related problems. First, we assume that the data-generating distribution (i.e., the prior) is known, and we find the optimal privacy mechanism that achieves the smallest distortion subject to a constraint on maximal leakage. Then, we assume that the prior belongs to some set of distributions, and we formulate a min-max problem for finding the smallest distortion achievable for the worst-case prior in the set, subject to a maximal leakage constraint. Lastly, we define a partial order on privacy mechanisms based on the largest distortion they generate. Our results show that when the prior distribution is known, the optimal privacy mechanism fully discloses symbols with the largest prior probabilities, and suppresses symbols with the smallest prior probabilities. Furthermore, we show that sets of priors that contain more uniform distributions lead to larger distortion, while privacy mechanisms that distribute the privacy budget more uniformly over the symbols create smaller worst-case distortion.

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