Emergent Mind

Linear Convergence of the Subspace Constrained Mean Shift Algorithm: From Euclidean to Directional Data

Published Apr 29, 2021 in stat.ML , math.OC , math.ST , stat.ME , and stat.TH


This paper studies the linear convergence of the subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithm, a well-known algorithm for identifying a density ridge defined by a kernel density estimator. By arguing that the SCMS algorithm is a special variant of a subspace constrained gradient ascent (SCGA) algorithm with an adaptive step size, we derive the linear convergence of such SCGA algorithm. While the existing research focuses mainly on density ridges in the Euclidean space, we generalize density ridges and the SCMS algorithm to directional data. In particular, we establish the stability theorem of density ridges with directional data and prove the linear convergence of our proposed directional SCMS algorithm.

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