Emergent Mind


Medical health care centers are envisioned as a promising paradigm to handle the massive volume of data of COVID-19 patients using AI. Traditionally, AI techniques often require centralized data collection and training the model in a single organization, which is most common weakness due to the privacy and security of raw data communication. To solve this challenging task, we propose a blockchain-based federated learning framework that provides collaborative data training solutions by coordinating multiple hospitals to train and share encrypted federated models without leakage of data privacy. The blockchain ledger technology provides the decentralization of federated learning model without any central server. The proposed homomorphic encryption scheme encrypts and decrypts the gradients of model to preserve the privacy. More precisely, the proposed framework: i) train the local model by a novel capsule network to segmentation and classify COVID-19 images, ii) then use the homomorphic encryption scheme to secure the local model that encrypts and decrypts the gradients, and finally the model is shared over a decentralized platform through proposed blockchain-based federated learning algorithm. The integration of blockchain and federated learning leads to a new paradigm for medical image data sharing in the decentralized network. The conducted experimental resultsdemonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.

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