Emergent Mind


Though pre-trained language models such as Bert and XLNet, have rapidly advanced the state-of-the-art on many NLP tasks, they implicit semantics only relying on surface information between words in corpus. Intuitively, background knowledge influences the efficacy of understanding. Inspired by this common sense, we focus on improving model pretraining by leveraging explicit knowledge. Different from recent research that optimize pretraining model by knowledge masking strategies, we propose a simple but general method to combine explicit knowledge with pretraining. To be specific, we first match knowledge facts from knowledge graph (KG) and then add a knowledge injunction layer to transformer directly without changing its architecture. The present study seeks to find the direct impact of explicit knowledge on transformer per-training. We conduct experiments on various datasets for different downstream tasks. The experimental results show that solely by adding external knowledge to transformer can improve the learning performance on many NLP tasks.

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