Emergent Mind

Scattered Factor Universality -- The Power of the Remainder

Published Apr 19, 2021 in cs.CL and math.CO


Scattered factor (circular) universality was firstly introduced by Barker et al. in 2020. A word $w$ is called $k$-universal for some natural number $k$, if every word of length $k$ of $w$'s alphabet occurs as a scattered factor in $w$; it is called circular $k$-universal if a conjugate of $w$ is $k$-universal. Here, a word $u=u1\cdots un$ is called a scattered factor of $w$ if $u$ is obtained from $w$ by deleting parts of $w$, i.e. there exists (possibly empty) words $v1,\dots,v{n+1}$ with $w=v1u1v2\cdots vnunv{n+1}$. In this work, we prove two problems, left open in the aforementioned paper, namely a generalisation of one of their main theorems to arbitrary alphabets and a slight modification of another theorem such that we characterise the circular universality by the universality. On the way, we present deep insights into the behaviour of the remainder of the so called arch factorisation by Hebrard when repetitions of words are considered.

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