Emergent Mind

Decomposed Soft Actor-Critic Method for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Published Apr 14, 2021 in cs.AI , cs.MA , and stat.ML


Deep reinforcement learning methods have shown great performance on many challenging cooperative multi-agent tasks. Two main promising research directions are multi-agent value function decomposition and multi-agent policy gradients. In this paper, we propose a new decomposed multi-agent soft actor-critic (mSAC) method, which effectively combines the advantages of the aforementioned two methods. The main modules include decomposed Q network architecture, discrete probabilistic policy and counterfactual advantage function (optinal). Theoretically, mSAC supports efficient off-policy learning and addresses credit assignment problem partially in both discrete and continuous action spaces. Tested on StarCraft II micromanagement cooperative multiagent benchmark, we empirically investigate the performance of mSAC against its variants and analyze the effects of the different components. Experimental results demonstrate that mSAC significantly outperforms policy-based approach COMA, and achieves competitive results with SOTA value-based approach Qmix on most tasks in terms of asymptotic perfomance metric. In addition, mSAC achieves pretty good results on large action space tasks, such as 2cvs64zg and MMM2.

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