Emergent Mind

Attention, please! A survey of Neural Attention Models in Deep Learning

Published Mar 31, 2021 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CV , and cs.RO


In humans, Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given our limited ability to process competing sources, attention mechanisms select, modulate, and focus on the information most relevant to behavior. For decades, concepts and functions of attention have been studied in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and computing. For the last six years, this property has been widely explored in deep neural networks. Currently, the state-of-the-art in Deep Learning is represented by neural attention models in several application domains. This survey provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of developments in neural attention models. We systematically reviewed hundreds of architectures in the area, identifying and discussing those in which attention has shown a significant impact. We also developed and made public an automated methodology to facilitate the development of reviews in the area. By critically analyzing 650 works, we describe the primary uses of attention in convolutional, recurrent networks and generative models, identifying common subgroups of uses and applications. Furthermore, we describe the impact of attention in different application domains and their impact on neural networks' interpretability. Finally, we list possible trends and opportunities for further research, hoping that this review will provide a succinct overview of the main attentional models in the area and guide researchers in developing future approaches that will drive further improvements.

Key developments in attention mechanisms in deep learning, from RNNsearch to the Transformer model.


  • The paper provides a comprehensive survey of over 650 research papers on neural attention mechanisms in deep learning, highlighting their significant impact and applications across various domains.

  • It discusses the evolution of attention models from classical computational models to modern deep learning architectures like Transformers and Graph Attention Networks (GATs), which have transformed fields such as Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision.

  • The paper categorizes different types of attention mechanisms—soft, hard, and self-attention—and explores key applications and future directions, including end-to-end attention models, multimodal learning, and neural-symbolic integration.

Comprehensive Review of Neural Attention Models in Deep Learning

Introduction to Attention

Attention is a cognitive process crucial for focusing on specific information while ignoring other distractions. This selective focus is essential not only for human cognition but also for making deep learning models more effective and interpretable. Over the past few years, different attention mechanisms have been integrated into various neural network architectures, significantly enhancing performance across numerous domains. This article explore a comprehensive survey that examines over 650 papers to explore how attention mechanisms have impacted deep learning.

Evolution of Attention Models

Pre-Deep Learning Era

Before the advent of deep learning, attention mechanisms were mostly confined to classical computational models such as Treisman's Feature Integration Theory (FIT) and Wolfe's Guided Search. These early models mainly focused on tasks like object recognition and human-robot interaction, using features like intensity, orientation, and color.

Rise of Deep Learning

Since 2014, the integration of attention mechanisms into deep neural networks catalyzed significant advancements. Methods like the RNNSearch by Bahdanau et al. introduced soft attention in machine translation, dynamically focusing on parts of the input data, thus solving the bottleneck problem in traditional encoder-decoder frameworks.

Major Breakthroughs in Attention

Neural Transformer's Impact

One of the most significant innovations was the Transformer model introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017. The Transformer relies entirely on self-attention mechanisms, eliminating the need for recurrent architectures. This model showed exceptional performance in tasks like machine translation and text summarization, setting the groundwork for high-impact models like BERT and GPT-3.

Graph Attention Networks (GATs)

Introduced around the same time, Graph Attention Networks (GATs) extended the self-attention mechanism to graph-structured data. These networks have been highly effective in applications requiring complex relational reasoning, such as social network analysis and recommendation systems.

Categories of Attention Mechanisms

Soft Attention

Soft attention assigns varying degrees of focus to different parts of the input, calculating weights that determine the relevance of each part. This mechanism is versatile and has been extensively used in both spatial and temporal contexts.

Hard Attention

Hard attention selects specific parts of the input to focus on, typically requiring reinforcement learning for training due to its non-differentiable nature. It has applications in tasks like object detection and image classification where it helps in eliminating irrelevant information.


Self-attention (or intra-attention) allows each part of the input to interact with every other part, making it immensely useful in models like Transformers. It captures long-range dependencies more efficiently compared to traditional convolutional or recurrent methods.

Key Applications and Results


Attention mechanisms have revolutionized various NLP tasks:

  • Machine Translation: Models like the Transformer and its derivatives (BERT, GPT) have achieved state-of-the-art results.
  • Question Answering: Memory-based attention models have been exceptionally effective.
  • Text Summarization: Attention helps in generating concise yet informative summaries.

Computer Vision

In computer vision, attention mechanisms enhance tasks like:

  • Image Classification: Attention improves fine-grained classification by focusing on parts of the image.
  • Object Detection: Helps in identifying and focusing on specific objects within complex scenes.
  • Image Captioning: Attention aligns visual features with descriptive text, improving the quality of generated captions.

Multimodal Learning

Attention plays a critical role in integrating and correlating data from multiple sensory modalities, such as combining visual and textual information for tasks like image captioning and visual question answering.

Future Directions

End-to-End Attention Models

The future of deep learning likely involves fully attentional architectures that can handle complex, multimodal data more efficiently. There is also potential for integrating other cognitive elements like memory and adaptive computation time in these models.

Neural-Symbolic Integration

Combining connectionist models with symbolic reasoning remains an open challenge. Attention mechanisms can facilitate this integration by enhancing the model's ability to interpret and utilize symbolic rules.


The role of attention mechanisms in model interpretability is under active investigation. While preliminary results are promising, more systematic methods are needed to validate attention as a reliable interpretability tool.


The integration of attention mechanisms into deep learning has not only enhanced performance across various tasks but also made models more interpretable and robust. This comprehensive survey uncovers numerous opportunities for future research, particularly in areas like end-to-end attention models, multimodal integration, and neural-symbolic reasoning. As research continues to evolve, attention will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of advanced deep learning architectures.

This article captures the essence of the survey on neural attention models, organized in a way that is both informative and engaging for intermediate data scientists. The focus on explaining mechanisms, applications, and future trends provides a thorough understanding without sensationalizing the content.

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