Emergent Mind

Nearly Horizon-Free Offline Reinforcement Learning

Published Mar 25, 2021 in stat.ML and cs.LG


We revisit offline reinforcement learning on episodic time-homogeneous Markov Decision Processes (MDP). For tabular MDP with $S$ states and $A$ actions, or linear MDP with anchor points and feature dimension $d$, given the collected $K$ episodes data with minimum visiting probability of (anchor) state-action pairs $dm$, we obtain nearly horizon $H$-free sample complexity bounds for offline reinforcement learning when the total reward is upper bounded by $1$. Specifically: 1. For offline policy evaluation, we obtain an $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{Kdm}} \right)$ error bound for the plug-in estimator, which matches the lower bound up to logarithmic factors and does not have additional dependency on $\mathrm{poly}\left(H, S, A, d\right)$ in higher-order term. 2.For offline policy optimization, we obtain an $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{Kdm}} + \frac{\min(S, d)}{Kdm}\right)$ sub-optimality gap for the empirical optimal policy, which approaches the lower bound up to logarithmic factors and a high-order term, improving upon the best known result by \cite{cui2020plug} that has additional $\mathrm{poly}\left(H, S, d\right)$ factors in the main term. To the best of our knowledge, these are the \emph{first} set of nearly horizon-free bounds for episodic time-homogeneous offline tabular MDP and linear MDP with anchor points. Central to our analysis is a simple yet effective recursion based method to bound a "total variance" term in the offline scenarios, which could be of individual interest.

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