Emergent Mind

Spoken Digit Classification by In-Materio Reservoir Computing with Neuromorphic Atomic Switch Networks

Published Mar 23, 2021 in cs.ET , cond-mat.dis-nn , cond-mat.mes-hall , and cond-mat.mtrl-sci


Atomic Switch Networks (ASN) comprising silver iodide (AgI) junctions, a material previously unexplored as functional memristive elements within highly-interconnected nanowire networks, were employed as a neuromorphic substrate for physical Reservoir Computing (RC). This new class of ASN-based devices has been physically characterized and utilized to classify spoken digit audio data, demonstrating the utility of substrate-based device architectures where intrinsic material properties can be exploited to perform computation in-materio. This work demonstrates high accuracy in the classification of temporally analyzed Free-Spoken Digit Data (FSDD). These results expand upon the class of viable memristive materials available for the production of functional nanowire networks and bolster the utility of ASN-based devices as unique hardware platforms for neuromorphic computing applications involving memory, adaptation and learning.

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