Emergent Mind

Consistency-based Active Learning for Object Detection

Published Mar 18, 2021 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Active learning aims to improve the performance of task model by selecting the most informative samples with a limited budget. Unlike most recent works that focused on applying active learning for image classification, we propose an effective Consistency-based Active Learning method for object Detection (CALD), which fully explores the consistency between original and augmented data. CALD has three appealing benefits. (i) CALD is systematically designed by investigating the weaknesses of existing active learning methods, which do not take the unique challenges of object detection into account. (ii) CALD unifies box regression and classification with a single metric, which is not concerned by active learning methods for classification. CALD also focuses on the most informative local region rather than the whole image, which is beneficial for object detection. (iii) CALD not only gauges individual information for sample selection, but also leverages mutual information to encourage a balanced data distribution. Extensive experiments show that CALD significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art task-agnostic and detection-specific active learning methods on general object detection datasets. Based on the Faster R-CNN detector, CALD consistently surpasses the baseline method (random selection) by 2.9/2.8/0.8 mAP on average on PASCAL VOC 2007, PASCAL VOC 2012, and MS COCO. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/we1pingyu/CALD}

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