Emergent Mind

Regularized Non-monotone Submodular Maximization

Published Mar 18, 2021 in cs.DS


In this paper, we present a thorough study of maximizing a regularized non-monotone submodular function subject to various constraints, i.e., $\max { g(A) - \ell(A) : A \in \mathcal{F} }$, where $g \colon 2\Omega \to \mathbb{R}+$ is a non-monotone submodular function, $\ell \colon 2\Omega \to \mathbb{R}+$ is a normalized modular function and $\mathcal{F}$ is the constraint set. Though the objective function $f := g - \ell$ is still submodular, the fact that $f$ could potentially take on negative values prevents the existing methods for submodular maximization from providing a constant approximation ratio for the regularized submodular maximization problem. To overcome the obstacle, we propose several algorithms which can provide a relatively weak approximation guarantee for maximizing regularized non-monotone submodular functions. More specifically, we propose a continuous greedy algorithm for the relaxation of maximizing $g - \ell$ subject to a matroid constraint. Then, the pipage rounding procedure can produce an integral solution $S$ such that $\mathbb{E} [g(S) - \ell(S)] \geq e{-1}g(OPT) - \ell(OPT) - O(\epsilon)$. Moreover, we present a much faster algorithm for maximizing $g - \ell$ subject to a cardinality constraint, which can output a solution $S$ with $\mathbb{E} [g(S) - \ell(S)] \geq (e{-1} - \epsilon) g(OPT) - \ell(OPT)$ using $O(\frac{n}{\epsilon2} \ln \frac 1\epsilon)$ value oracle queries. We also consider the unconstrained maximization problem and give an algorithm which can return a solution $S$ with $\mathbb{E} [g(S) - \ell(S)] \geq e{-1} g(OPT) - \ell(OPT)$ using $O(n)$ value oracle queries.

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