Emergent Mind


The training of deep learning models generally requires a large amount of annotated data for effective convergence and generalisation. However, obtaining high-quality annotations is a laboursome and expensive process due to the need of expert radiologists for the labelling task. The study of semi-supervised learning in medical image analysis is then of crucial importance given that it is much less expensive to obtain unlabelled images than to acquire images labelled by expert radiologists. Essentially, semi-supervised methods leverage large sets of unlabelled data to enable better training convergence and generalisation than using only the small set of labelled images. In this paper, we propose Self-supervised Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised (S$2$MTS$2$) learning that combines self-supervised mean-teacher pre-training with semi-supervised fine-tuning. The main innovation of S$2$MTS$2$ is the self-supervised mean-teacher pre-training based on the joint contrastive learning, which uses an infinite number of pairs of positive query and key features to improve the mean-teacher representation. The model is then fine-tuned using the exponential moving average teacher framework trained with semi-supervised learning. We validate S$2$MTS$2$ on the multi-label classification problems from Chest X-ray14 and CheXpert, and the multi-class classification from ISIC2018, where we show that it outperforms the previous SOTA semi-supervised learning methods by a large margin.

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