Emergent Mind


This paper defines a methodology with in-depth data to identify the skills needed by riders in the highest risk crash configurations to reduce casualty rates. We present a case study using in-depth data of 803 powered-two-wheeler crashes. Seven high-risk crash configuration based on the pre-crash trajectories of the road-users involved were considered to investigate the human errors as crash contributors. Primary crash contributing factor, evasive manoeuvres performed, horizontal roadway alignment and speed-related factors were identified, along with the most frequent configurations and those with the greatest risk of severe injury. Straight Crossing Path/Lateral Direction was the most frequent crash configuration and Turn Across Path/ Opposing Direction that with the greatest risk of serious injury were identified. Multi-vehicle crashes cannot be considered as a homogenous category of crashes to which the same human failure is attributed, as different interactions between motorcyclists and other road users are associated with both different types of human error and different rider reactions. Human error in multiple-vehicle crashes related to crossing paths configurations were different from errors related to rear-end or head-on crashes. Multi-vehicle head-on crashes and single-vehicle collisions frequently occur along curves. The involved collision avoidance manoeuvres of the riders differed significantly among the highest risk crash configurations. The most relevant lack of skills are identified and linked to their most representative context. In most cases a combination of different skills was required simultaneously to avoid the crash. The findings underline the need to group accident cases, beyond the usual single-vehicle versus multi-vehicle collision approach. Our methodology can also be applied to support preventive actions based on riders training and eventually ADAS design.

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