Emergent Mind

Noisy Truncated SGD: Optimization and Generalization

Published Feb 26, 2021 in cs.LG


Recent empirical work on stochastic gradient descent (SGD) applied to over-parameterized deep learning has shown that most gradient components over epochs are quite small. Inspired by such observations, we rigorously study properties of Truncated SGD (T-SGD), that truncates the majority of small gradient components to zeros. Considering non-convex optimization problems, we show that the convergence rate of T-SGD matches the order of vanilla SGD. We also establish the generalization error bound for T-SGD. Further, we propose Noisy Truncated SGD (NT-SGD), which adds Gaussian noise to the truncated gradients. We prove that NT-SGD has the same convergence rate as T-SGD for non-convex optimization problems. We demonstrate that with the help of noise, NT-SGD can provably escape from saddle points and requires less noise compared to previous related work. We also prove that NT-SGD achieves better generalization error bound compared to T-SGD because of the noise. Our generalization analysis is based on uniform stability and we show that additional noise in the gradient update can boost the stability. Our experiments on a variety of benchmark datasets (MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100) with various networks (VGG and ResNet) validate the theoretical properties of NT-SGD, i.e., NT-SGD matches the speed and accuracy of vanilla SGD while effectively working with sparse gradients, and can successfully escape poor local minima.

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