Emergent Mind

On the Weight Spectrum of Pre-Transformed Polar Codes

Published Feb 25, 2021 in cs.IT and math.IT


Polar codes are the first class of channel codes achieving the symmetric capacity of the binary-input discrete memoryless channels with efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. But the weight spectrum of Polar codes is relatively poor compared to RM codes, which degrades their ML performance. Pre-transformation with an upper-triangular matrix (including cyclic redundancy check (CRC), parity-check (PC) and polarization-adjusted convolutional (PAC) codes), improves weight spectrum while retaining polarization. In this paper, the weight spectrum of upper-triangular pre-transformed Polar Codes is mathematically analyzed. In particular, we focus on calculating the number of low-weight codewords due to their impact on error-correction performance. Simulation results verify the accuracy of the analysis.

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