Emergent Mind


In the development of governmental policy for AI that is informed by ethics, one avenue currently pursued is that of drawing on AI Ethics Principles. However, these AI Ethics Principles often fail to be actioned in governmental policy. This paper proposes a novel framework for the development of Actionable Principles for AI. The approach acknowledges the relevance of AI Ethics Principles and homes in on methodological elements to increase their practical implementability in policy processes. As a case study, elements are extracted from the development process of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI of the European Commissions High Level Expert Group on AI. Subsequently, these elements are expanded on and evaluated in light of their ability to contribute to a prototype framework for the development of Actionable Principles for AI. The paper proposes the following three propositions for the formation of such a prototype framework: (1) preliminary landscape assessments; (2) multi-stakeholder participation and cross-sectoral feedback; and, (3) mechanisms to support implementation and operationalizability.

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