Emergent Mind

SVRG Meets AdaGrad: Painless Variance Reduction

Published Feb 18, 2021 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


Variance reduction (VR) methods for finite-sum minimization typically require the knowledge of problem-dependent constants that are often unknown and difficult to estimate. To address this, we use ideas from adaptive gradient methods to propose AdaSVRG, which is a more robust variant of SVRG, a common VR method. AdaSVRG uses AdaGrad in the inner loop of SVRG, making it robust to the choice of step-size. When minimizing a sum of n smooth convex functions, we prove that a variant of AdaSVRG requires $\tilde{O}(n + 1/\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations to achieve an $O(\epsilon)$-suboptimality, matching the typical rate, but without needing to know problem-dependent constants. Next, we leverage the properties of AdaGrad to propose a heuristic that adaptively determines the length of each inner-loop in AdaSVRG. Via experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets, we validate the robustness and effectiveness of AdaSVRG, demonstrating its superior performance over standard and other "tune-free" VR methods.

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