Emergent Mind

Efficient and Secure Mobile Cloud Networking

Published Feb 17, 2021 in cs.NI


Mobile cloud computing is a very strong candidate for the title "Next Generation Network" which empowers mobile users with extended mobility, service continuity and superior performance. Users can expect to execute their jobs faster, with lower battery consumption and affordable prices; however this is not always the case. Various mobile applications have been developed to take advantage of this new technology, but each application has its own requirements. Several mobile cloud architectures have been proposed but none was suitable for all mobile applications which resulted in lower customer satisfaction. In addition to that, the absence of a valid business model to motivate investors hindered its deployment on production scale. This dissertation proposes a new mobile cloud architecture which positions the mobile operator at the core of this technology equipped with a revenue-making business model. This architecture, named OCMCA (Operator Centric Mobile Cloud Architecture), connects the user from one side and the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) from the other and hosts a cloud within its network. The OCMCA/user connection can utilize multicast channels leading to a much cheaper service for the users and more revenues, lower congestion and rejection rates for the operator.

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