Emergent Mind


Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) aims to extract triplets from a sentence, including target entities, associated sentiment polarities, and opinion spans which rationalize the polarities. Existing methods are short on building correlation between target-opinion pairs, and neglect the mutual interference among different sentiment triplets. To address these issues, we utilize a two-stage framework to enhance the correlation between targets and opinions: at stage one, we extract targets and opinions through sequence tagging; then we append a group of artificial tags named Perceivable Pair, which indicate the span of a specific target-opinion tuple, to the input sentence to obtain closer correlated target-opinion pair representation. Meanwhile, we reduce the negative interference between triplets by restricting tokens' attention field. Finally, the polarity is identified according to the representation of the Perceivable Pair. We conduct experiments on four datasets, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of our model.

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