Emergent Mind

An Efficient QOS Based Multimedia Content Distribution Mechanism in P2P Network

Published Feb 13, 2021 in cs.MA and cs.MM


Peer-to-peer network is one in which each node in the network can act as a client or server for the other nodes in the network. It allows shared access to various resources such as files, peripherals, and sensors without the need for a central server. Content distribution in the P2P network from server is done by multicasting. Multicasting is the process of sending the data to the multiple designations. This technology is highly efficient for the large scale multimedia content delivery in P2P network where the end peer have identical set of system components. But in reality, the peers have heterogeneous set of requirements for different service levels as well as different service components. The ability to provide differentiated services to each peer with widely varying requirements is becoming important. We need to provide differentiated Services above the existing shared network infrastructure. The solution proposed to solve the above said problem is to provide individualized service to each peer. It focuses on constructing and maintaining an efficient multiple overlay multicast tree structure in the P2P network. The tree maintenance process is governed by two mechanisms called as dynamic reconfiguration driven by peer and less frequent tree maintenance by network status change observation. In this paper new scalable architecture is constructed and analysed based on the above strategies.

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