Emergent Mind

Fuzzing Symbolic Expressions

Published Feb 12, 2021 in cs.SE and cs.CR


Recent years have witnessed a wide array of results in software testing, exploring different approaches and methodologies ranging from fuzzers to symbolic engines, with a full spectrum of instances in between such as concolic execution and hybrid fuzzing. A key ingredient of many of these tools is Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers, which are used to reason over symbolic expressions collected during the analysis. In this paper, we investigate whether techniques borrowed from the fuzzing domain can be applied to check whether symbolic formulas are satisfiable in the context of concolic and hybrid fuzzing engines, providing a viable alternative to classic SMT solving techniques. We devise a new approximate solver, FUZZY-SAT, and show that it is both competitive with and complementary to state-of-the-art solvers such as Z3 with respect to handling queries generated by hybrid fuzzers.

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