Emergent Mind

Classification based on Topological Data Analysis

Published Feb 7, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.CG


Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is an emergent field that aims to discover topological information hidden in a dataset. TDA tools have been commonly used to create filters and topological descriptors to improve Machine Learning (ML) methods. This paper proposes an algorithm that applies TDA directly to multi-class classification problems, even imbalanced datasets, without any further ML stage. The proposed algorithm built a filtered simplicial complex on the dataset. Persistent homology is then applied to guide choosing a sub-complex where unlabeled points obtain the label with most votes from labeled neighboring points. To assess the proposed method, 8 datasets were selected with several degrees of class entanglement, variability on the samples per class, and dimensionality. On average, the proposed TDABC method was capable of overcoming baseline classifiers (wk-NN and k-NN) in each of the computed metrics, especially on classifying entangled and minority classes.

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