Emergent Mind


Spatiotemporal predictive learning (ST-PL) is a hotspot with numerous applications, such as object movement and meteorological prediction. It aims at predicting the subsequent frames via observed sequences. However, inherent uncertainty among consecutive frames exacerbates the difficulty in long-term prediction. To tackle the increasing ambiguity during forecasting, we design CMS-LSTM to focus on context correlations and multi-scale spatiotemporal flow with details on fine-grained locals, containing two elaborate designed blocks: Context Embedding (CE) and Spatiotemporal Expression (SE) blocks. CE is designed for abundant context interactions, while SE focuses on multi-scale spatiotemporal expression in hidden states. The newly introduced blocks also facilitate other spatiotemporal models (e.g., PredRNN, SA-ConvLSTM) to produce representative implicit features for ST-PL and improve prediction quality. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of our proposed method. With fewer params, CMS-LSTM outperforms state-of-the-art methods in numbers of metrics on two representative benchmarks and scenarios. Code is available at https://github.com/czh-98/CMS-LSTM.

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