Emergent Mind

Rethinking Neural Networks With Benford's Law

Published Feb 5, 2021 in cs.LG


Benford's Law (BL) or the Significant Digit Law defines the probability distribution of the first digit of numerical values in a data sample. This Law is observed in many naturally occurring datasets. It can be seen as a measure of naturalness of a given distribution and finds its application in areas like anomaly and fraud detection. In this work, we address the following question: Is the distribution of the Neural Network parameters related to the network's generalization capability? To that end, we first define a metric, MLH (Model Enthalpy), that measures the closeness of a set of numbers to Benford's Law and we show empirically that it is a strong predictor of Validation Accuracy. Second, we use MLH as an alternative to Validation Accuracy for Early Stopping, removing the need for a Validation set. We provide experimental evidence that even if the optimal size of the validation set is known before-hand, the peak test accuracy attained is lower than not using a validation set at all. Finally, we investigate the connection of BL to Free Energy Principle and First Law of Thermodynamics, showing that MLH is a component of the internal energy of the learning system and optimization as an analogy to minimizing the total energy to attain equilibrium.

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