Emergent Mind

Adversarial Training Makes Weight Loss Landscape Sharper in Logistic Regression

Published Feb 5, 2021 in stat.ML , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Adversarial training is actively studied for learning robust models against adversarial examples. A recent study finds that adversarially trained models degenerate generalization performance on adversarial examples when their weight loss landscape, which is loss changes with respect to weights, is sharp. Unfortunately, it has been experimentally shown that adversarial training sharpens the weight loss landscape, but this phenomenon has not been theoretically clarified. Therefore, we theoretically analyze this phenomenon in this paper. As a first step, this paper proves that adversarial training with the L2 norm constraints sharpens the weight loss landscape in the linear logistic regression model. Our analysis reveals that the sharpness of the weight loss landscape is caused by the noise aligned in the direction of increasing the loss, which is used in adversarial training. We theoretically and experimentally confirm that the weight loss landscape becomes sharper as the magnitude of the noise of adversarial training increases in the linear logistic regression model. Moreover, we experimentally confirm the same phenomena in ResNet18 with softmax as a more general case.

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