Emergent Mind

Bootstrapping Multilingual AMR with Contextual Word Alignments

Published Feb 3, 2021 in cs.CL and cs.AI


We develop high performance multilingualAbstract Meaning Representation (AMR) sys-tems by projecting English AMR annotationsto other languages with weak supervision. Weachieve this goal by bootstrapping transformer-based multilingual word embeddings, in partic-ular those from cross-lingual RoBERTa (XLM-R large). We develop a novel technique forforeign-text-to-English AMR alignment, usingthe contextual word alignment between En-glish and foreign language tokens. This wordalignment is weakly supervised and relies onthe contextualized XLM-R word embeddings.We achieve a highly competitive performancethat surpasses the best published results forGerman, Italian, Spanish and Chinese.

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