Emergent Mind

Towards Entity Alignment in the Open World: An Unsupervised Approach

Published Jan 26, 2021 in cs.AI and cs.CL


Entity alignment (EA) aims to discover the equivalent entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs). It is a pivotal step for integrating KGs to increase knowledge coverage and quality. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase of EA frameworks. However, state-of-the-art solutions tend to rely on labeled data for model training. Additionally, they work under the closed-domain setting and cannot deal with entities that are unmatchable. To address these deficiencies, we offer an unsupervised framework that performs entity alignment in the open world. Specifically, we first mine useful features from the side information of KGs. Then, we devise an unmatchable entity prediction module to filter out unmatchable entities and produce preliminary alignment results. These preliminary results are regarded as the pseudo-labeled data and forwarded to the progressive learning framework to generate structural representations, which are integrated with the side information to provide a more comprehensive view for alignment. Finally, the progressive learning framework gradually improves the quality of structural embeddings and enhances the alignment performance by enriching the pseudo-labeled data with alignment results from the previous round. Our solution does not require labeled data and can effectively filter out unmatchable entities. Comprehensive experimental evaluations validate its superiority.

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