Emergent Mind

Enabling Large Neural Networks on Tiny Microcontrollers with Swapping

Published Jan 14, 2021 in cs.AR and cs.OS


Running neural networks (NNs) on microcontroller units (MCUs) is becoming increasingly important, but is very difficult due to the tiny SRAM size of MCU. Prior work proposes many algorithm-level techniques to reduce NN memory footprints, but all at the cost of sacrificing accuracy and generality, which disqualifies MCUs for many important use cases. We investigate a system solution for MCUs to execute NNs out of core: dynamically swapping NN data chunks between an MCU's tiny SRAM and its large, low-cost external flash. Out-of-core NNs on MCUs raise multiple concerns: execution slowdown, storage wear out, energy consumption, and data security. We present a study showing that none is a showstopper; the key benefit -- MCUs being able to run large NNs with full accuracy and generality -- triumphs the overheads. Our findings suggest that MCUs can play a much greater role in edge intelligence.

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