Emergent Mind

Complete trace models of state and control

Published Jan 21, 2021 in cs.LO and cs.PL


We consider a hierarchy of four typed call-by-value languages with either higher-order or ground-type references and with either callcc or no control operator.Our first result is a fully abstract trace model for the most expressive setting, featuring both higher-order references and callcc, constructed in the spirit of operational game semantics. Next we examine the impact of suppressing higher-order references and callcc in contexts and provide an operational explanation for the game-semantic conditions known as visibility and bracketing respectively.This allows us to refine the original model to provide fully abstract trace models of interaction with contexts that need not use higher-order references or callcc. Along the way, we discuss the relationship between error- and termination-based contextual testing in each case, and relate the two to trace and complete trace equivalence respectively.Overall, the paper provides a systematic development of operational game semantics for all four cases, which represent the state-based face of the so-called semantic cube.

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