Emergent Mind


Current deep learning-based manifold learning algorithms such as the variational autoencoder (VAE) require fully sampled data to learn the probability density of real-world datasets. Once learned, the density can be used for a variety of tasks, including data imputation. However, fully sampled data is often unavailable in a variety of problems, including the recovery of dynamic and high-resolution MRI data considered in this work. To overcome this problem, we introduce a novel variational approach to learn a manifold from undersampled data. The VAE uses a decoder fed by latent vectors, drawn from a conditional density estimated from the fully sampled images using an encoder. Since fully sampled images are not available in our setting, we approximate the conditional density of the latent vectors by a parametric model whose parameters are estimated from the undersampled measurements using back-propagation. We use the framework for the joint alignment and recovery of multislice free breathing and ungated cardiac MRI data from highly undersampled measurements. Most of the current self-gating and manifold cardiac MRI approaches consider the independent recovery of images from each slice; these methods are not capable of exploiting the inter-slice redundancies in the datasets and require sophisticated post-processing or manual approaches to align the images from different slices. By contrast, the proposed scheme is able to align the multislice data and exploit the redundancies. Experimental results demonstrate the utility of the proposed scheme in dynamic imaging alignment and reconstructions.

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