Emergent Mind

Autonomous synthesis of metastable materials

Published Jan 19, 2021 in cond-mat.mtrl-sci , cs.AI , cs.LG , cs.MA , and physics.comp-ph


Autonomous experimentation enabled by AI offers a new paradigm for accelerating scientific discovery. Non-equilibrium materials synthesis is emblematic of complex, resource-intensive experimentation whose acceleration would be a watershed for materials discovery and development. The mapping of non-equilibrium synthesis phase diagrams has recently been accelerated via high throughput experimentation but still limits materials research because the parameter space is too vast to be exhaustively explored. We demonstrate accelerated synthesis and exploration of metastable materials through hierarchical autonomous experimentation governed by the Scientific Autonomous Reasoning Agent (SARA). SARA integrates robotic materials synthesis and characterization along with a hierarchy of AI methods that efficiently reveal the structure of processing phase diagrams. SARA designs lateral gradient laser spike annealing (lg-LSA) experiments for parallel materials synthesis and employs optical spectroscopy to rapidly identify phase transitions. Efficient exploration of the multi-dimensional parameter space is achieved with nested active learning (AL) cycles built upon advanced machine learning models that incorporate the underlying physics of the experiments as well as end-to-end uncertainty quantification. With this, and the coordination of AL at multiple scales, SARA embodies AI harnessing of complex scientific tasks. We demonstrate its performance by autonomously mapping synthesis phase boundaries for the Bi$2$O$3$ system, leading to orders-of-magnitude acceleration in establishment of a synthesis phase diagram that includes conditions for kinetically stabilizing $\delta$-Bi$2$O$3$ at room temperature, a critical development for electrochemical technologies such as solid oxide fuel cells.

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