Emergent Mind

Graph complements of circular graphs

Published Jan 18, 2021 in math.CO and cs.DM


Graph complements G(n) of cyclic graphs are circulant, vertex-transitive, claw-free, strongly regular, Hamiltonian graphs with a Z(n) symmetry, Shannon capacity 2 and known Wiener and Harary index. There is an explicit spectral zeta function and tree or forest data. The forest-tree ratio converges to e. The graphs G(n) are Cayley graphs and so Platonic with isomorphic unit spheres G(n-3)+, complements of path graphs. G(3d+3) are homotop to wedge sums of two d-spheres and G(3d+2),G(3d+4) are homotop to d-spheres, G(3d+1)+ are contractible, G(3d+2)+,G(3d+3)+ are d-spheres. Since disjoint unions are dual to Zykov joins, graph complements of 1-dimensional discrete manifolds G are homotop to a point, a sphere or a wedge sums of spheres. If the length of every connected component of a 1-manifold is not divisible by 3, the graph complement of G is a sphere. In general, the graph complement of a forest is either contractible or a sphere. All induced strict subgraphs of G(n) are either contractible or homotop to spheres. The f-vectors G(n) or G(n)+ satisfy a hyper Pascal triangle relation, the total number of simplices are hyper Fibonacci numbers. The simplex generating functions are Jacobsthal polynomials, generating functions of k-king configurations on a circular chess board. While the Euler curvature of circle complements G(n) is constant by symmetry, the discrete Gauss-Bonnet curvature of path complements G(n)+ can be expressed explicitly from the generating functions. There is now a non-trivial 6 periodic Gauss-Bonnet curvature universality in the complement of Barycentric limits. The Brouwer-Lefschetz fixed point theorem produces a 12-periodicity of the Lefschetz numbers of all graph automorphisms of G(n). There is also a 12-periodicity of Wu characteristic. This is a 4 periodicity in dimension.These are manifestations of stable homotopy features, but combinatorial.

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