Emergent Mind


In this paper, we report the results obtained from the acceleration of multi-binary64-type multiple precision matrix multiplication with AVX2. We target double-double (DD), triple-double (TD), and quad-double (QD) precision arithmetic designed by certain types of error-free transformation (EFT) arithmetic. Furthermore, we implement SIMDized EFT functions, which simultaneously compute with four binary64 numbers on x86_64 computing environment, and by using help of them, we also develop SIMDized DD, TD, and QD additions and multiplications. In addition, AVX2 load/store functions were adopted to efficiently speed up reading and storing matrix elements from/to memory. Owing to these combined techniques, our implemented multiple precision matrix multiplications have been accelerated more than three times compared with non-accelerated ones. Our accelerated matrix multiplication modifies the performance of parallelization with OpenMP.

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