Emergent Mind

Irrationality and Transcendence Criteria for Infinite Series in Isabelle/HOL

Published Jan 8, 2021 in cs.LO and math.LO


We give an overview of our formalizations in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL of certain irrationality and transcendence criteria for infinite series from three different research papers: by Erd\H{o}s and Straus (1974), Han\v{c}l (2002), and Han\v{c}l and Rucki (2005). Our formalizations in Isabelle/HOL can be found on the Archive of Formal Proofs. Here we describe selected aspects of the formalization and discuss what this reveals about the use and potential of Isabelle/HOL in formalizing modern mathematical research, particularly in these parts of number theory and analysis.

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