Emergent Mind

Learning Differentially Private Mechanisms

Published Jan 4, 2021 in cs.CR , cs.LG , and cs.PL


Differential privacy is a formal, mathematical definition of data privacy that has gained traction in academia, industry, and government. The task of correctly constructing differentially private algorithms is non-trivial, and mistakes have been made in foundational algorithms. Currently, there is no automated support for converting an existing, non-private program into a differentially private version. In this paper, we propose a technique for automatically learning an accurate and differentially private version of a given non-private program. We show how to solve this difficult program synthesis problem via a combination of techniques: carefully picking representative example inputs, reducing the problem to continuous optimization, and mapping the results back to symbolic expressions. We demonstrate that our approach is able to learn foundational algorithms from the differential privacy literature and significantly outperforms natural program synthesis baselines.

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