Emergent Mind

Fair Training of Decision Tree Classifiers

Published Jan 4, 2021 in cs.LG , cs.CY , and cs.PL


We study the problem of formally verifying individual fairness of decision tree ensembles, as well as training tree models which maximize both accuracy and individual fairness. In our approach, fairness verification and fairness-aware training both rely on a notion of stability of a classification model, which is a variant of standard robustness under input perturbations used in adversarial machine learning. Our verification and training methods leverage abstract interpretation, a well established technique for static program analysis which is able to automatically infer assertions about stability properties of decision trees. By relying on a tool for adversarial training of decision trees, our fairness-aware learning method has been implemented and experimentally evaluated on the reference datasets used to assess fairness properties. The experimental results show that our approach is able to train tree models exhibiting a high degree of individual fairness w.r.t. the natural state-of-the-art CART trees and random forests. Moreover, as a by-product, these fair decision trees turn out to be significantly compact, thus enhancing the interpretability of their fairness properties.

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