Emergent Mind

Validated forward integration scheme for parabolic PDEs via Chebyshev series

Published Jan 3, 2021 in math.NA , cs.NA , and math.DS


In this paper we introduce a new approach to compute rigorously solutions of Cauchy problems for a class of semi-linear parabolic partial differential equations. Expanding solutions with Chebyshev series in time and Fourier series in space, we introduce a zero finding problem $F(a)=0$ on a Banach algebra $X$ of Fourier-Chebyshev sequences, whose solution solves the Cauchy problem. The challenge lies in the fact that the linear part $\mathcal{L} = DF(0)$ has an infinite block diagonal structure with blocks becoming less and less diagonal dominant at infinity. We introduce analytic estimates to show that $\mathcal{L}$ is an invertible linear operator on $X$, and we obtain explicit, rigorous and computable bounds for the operator norm $| \mathcal{L}{-1}|_{B(X)}$. These bounds are then used to verify the hypotheses of a Newton-Kantorovich type argument which shows that the (Newton-like) operator $\mathcal{T}(a)=a - \mathcal{L}{-1} F(a)$ is a contraction on a small ball centered at a numerical approximation of the Cauchy problem. The contraction mapping theorem yields a fixed point which corresponds to a classical (strong) solution of the Cauchy problem. The approach is simple to implement, numerically stable and is applicable to a class of PDE models, which include for instance Fisher's equation and the Swift-Hohenberg equation. We apply our approach to each of these models.

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