Emergent Mind

From Semantic Communication to Semantic-aware Networking: Model, Architecture, and Open Problems

Published Dec 31, 2020 in cs.NI , cs.IT , cs.SI , and math.IT


Existing communication systems are mainly built based on Shannon's information theory which deliberately ignores the semantic aspects of communication. The recent iteration of wireless technology, the so-called 5G and beyond, promises to support a plethora of services enabled by carefully tailored network capabilities based on the contents, requirements, as well as semantics. This sparkled significant interest in the semantic communication, a novel paradigm that involves the meaning of message into the communication. In this article, we first review the classic semantic communication framework and then summarize key challenges that hinder its popularity. We observe that some semantic communication processes such as semantic detection, knowledge modeling, and coordination, can be resource-consuming and inefficient, especially for the communication between a single source and a destination. We therefore propose a novel architecture based on federated edge intelligence for supporting resource-efficient semantic-aware networking. Our architecture allows each user to offload the computationally intensive semantic encoding and decoding tasks to the edge servers and protect its proprietary model-related information by coordinating via intermediate results. Our simulation result shows that the proposed architecture can reduce the resource consumption and significantly improve the communication efficiency.

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