Emergent Mind

Pizza Sharing is PPA-hard

Published Dec 28, 2020 in cs.CC , cs.CG , and math.GN


We study the computational complexity of finding a solution for the straight-cut and square-cut pizza sharing problems. We show that computing an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution is PPA-complete for both problems, while finding an exact solution for the square-cut problem is FIXP-hard and in BU. Our PPA-hardness results apply for any $\varepsilon < 1/5$, even when all mass distributions consist of non-overlapping axis-aligned rectangles or when they are point sets, and our FIXP-hardness result applies even when all mass distributions are unions of squares and right-angled triangles. We also prove that the decision variants of both approximate problems are NP-complete, while it is ETR-complete for the exact version of square-cut pizza sharing.

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