Emergent Mind


Automatic segmentation of myocardial contours and relevant areas like infraction and no-reflow is an important step for the quantitative evaluation of myocardial infarction. In this work, we propose a cascaded convolutional neural network for automatic myocardial infarction segmentation from delayed-enhancement cardiac MRI. We first use a 2D U-Net to focus on the intra-slice information to perform a preliminary segmentation. After that, we use a 3D U-Net to utilize the volumetric spatial information for a subtle segmentation. Our method is evaluated on the MICCAI 2020 EMIDEC challenge dataset and achieves average Dice score of 0.8786, 0.7124 and 0.7851 for myocardium, infarction and no-reflow respectively, outperforms all the other teams of the segmentation contest.

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